Policies and Procedures
Please find below all of our Policies & Procedures.
Click on the name of the policy you would like to read and this will take you to a pdf copy. If you would like a hard copy of any of our policies, please ask a member of staff.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Codes of Practice Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
Compliments, Suggestions and Feedback Form
Death of a Child On-site Policy
Equipment and Resources Policy
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy
Food, Drink and Food Hygiene Policy
Health, Safety and Hygiene Policy
Keyworker and Settling-in Policy
Low-level Concerns and Allegations of Serious Harm or Abuse Against Staff or Volunteers Procedure
Missing Child Policy and Procedure
Online Learning Journey Policy
Pandemic Flu Plan and Procedure
Parents, Carers and Outside Agencies Involvement Policy
Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
Recording and Reporting Accidents and Incidents Policy
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Staff Grocery Shopping and Snack Procurement Policy
Staffing and Employment Policy
Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs Policy
Valuing Diversity, Promoting Inclusion and Equality Policy